onsdag 19. august 2009

Update: Why it is an error for MSBuild to build clean in the same order as it builds regularily

In the two postings listed below I described how MSBuild is building the Clean target of a VS Solution in the wrong order.

Brumlemann: Why it is an error for MSBuild to build clean in the same order as it builds regularily

Brumlemann: MSbuild of VS solution under target clean is just plain wrong

I also created a Microsoft Connect issue on this behaviour and you can find that posting here:

Brumlemann: MSBuild builds the clean target of VS solution files in the wrong order

The Visual Studio team at Microsoft has since reckognized this as a bug and, as the connect issue shows, a fix has been reported to have been implemented for the next release of VS2010. At the time of writing it is post beta 1, so I guess beta 2 is 'next release'. I will be sure to verify this and report back on my findings.